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We are Chung Chambers

“Protect Your Ideas, Secure Your Success: Safeguarding Your Intellectual Property with our Legal Expertise”

In today’s world, assets aren’t just limited to physical goods & properties. An invention or idea can also be a valuable asset that deserves registration and protection. 

Whether you’re a startup, or corporation, a new innovation or invention can be the key to unlocking a whole new market and generating significant revenue for your company. At Chung Chambers, we specialize in safeguarding your intellectual assets & helping you explore new opportunities with confidence.

Award Winning Legal Firm
Malaysia’s trusted IP legal firm, a leading intellectual property legal firm in Penang specializing in trademark, patent, copyright, licensing, and industrial design.

Maximizing the Potential of Your Intellectual Assets: Exclusivity Guaranteed

You’ve poured countless hours and resources into perfecting your product or service, only to have a competitor snatch your idea away as soon as you share it. Don’t let your hard work go to waste. Protect your intellectual property with Chung Chambers, the trusted legal and intellectual property firm led by Patricia Chung, an experienced practitioner in the field. We understand the immense value and potential of your intellectual assets and are passionate about helping you achieve exclusivity and success. 

With our expertise and commitment to excellence, you can trust that your assets will be safeguarded and maximized to their fullest potential.

Intellectual Property Services

Expert IP & Corporate
Legal Solutions That Beyond The Conventional

We provide comprehensive legal services for intellectual property & corporate

IP Commercialisation &

Copyright &
Industry Designs


Franchising &

Civil Litigation &
Dispute Resolution

Wills &
Estate Administration

Matrimonial &
Family Proceedings

Corporate &
Commercial Law

Meet Our Team

Meeting the team involves getting acquainted with the individuals who comprise a group.

Prof Patricia Chung

Managing Partner

Jane Ng


Maisarah Johari

Legal Associate

Carina Tan

Legal Associate

Quah Zhe Ken

Legal Associate


Technology Consultant


What People Say About Our Company


People we worked with

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Take 2 Minutes & Share with Us Your Intellectual Property Related Legal Problem.
Let Us Help to Clear Your Doubts on Intellectual Assets.